Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Simple Alternative Solar Power Systems for Homes

Are you one of those homeowners who are dreaming of having solar powered homes? Perhaps you’re already familiar with DIY solar power kits. The idea may sound inviting however a lot of people are scared to create their own solar power system. Solar power is usually available in three kinds. You too can use any of these powers gradually.

People usually associate solar power with solar panels. But you see, solar panels are not the only source of power. You can choose among the several components known today. Take a look at these solar components that you can use at home.

1. Solar cookers – this is already a common way of using solar power. Some people may find the cooker slow in terms of performance but if you’re not rushing, you can surely cook on time. You can use the solar cooker to roast, bake, and boil. This is best suited for a small family with a maximum of 5 members. You will no longer need fuel since you will be using only sunshine. There are also no emissions or smoke.
2. Solar thermal systems – this is an ambitious system but it’s simply an update of the oldest known consumer technology. In this system, you will need solar panels. From the panels, the sun’s heat is transferred to a water tank. The water in the tank is heated. Your home can also be heated by putting some pipes. This was already available back in the 80s but it was rather expensive. Today, the thermal systems are more affordable and efficient.
3. Solar generators – many homeowners are now utilizing solar generators for alternative power. The generator makes use of photovoltaic cells where the power inverter is hooked. You can use the solar generators for your lighting system at home. The electrical power is stored in the batteries and you can use it later. By using solar generators, it would be possible to run some electrical appliances. If you have $200, you can already create the generator.

A wealth of information can be found on the net if you simply do your homework and look for useful info. By purchasing the DIY kits, you can create your own solar power system. There are also instructional materials available online that provide step by step instructions on how to create solar panels or cells. It would help a lot if you conduct a search online and read the step by step instructions there; that way, you can determine if you can carry out the project or not.

Solar power systems are not that difficult to create especially if you already have a considerable knowledge about it. All you will need to do now is to establish a workable budget so that you can start with the right project that you can afford. You can start with very simple solar power systems for your home like the solar generators. The generators are much more affordable and easy to make. After some time, you can now make more complicated plans like the thermal systems. Solar power for homes is an excellent alternative to those who want to save on electricity and help save the earth.

Don’t think twice and if you have the money to purchase the materials to make solar power systems, go for it. In the coming months, you will surely benefit from it.

How to Install cheap DIYSolar Power System

Ever since man existed, sunlight was and will always be available. For several years now, a lot of people are complaining about the ever increasing electricity bills. Because of this, solar power systems became great alternatives through the years. Sunlight is readily available especially in countries where they get a lot of sunshine. With the yearly improvements in modern technology, solar power for homes is now more advanced. With just a little amount of sunlight, you can already get more electricity. With only a few solar panels, you can generate the needed electricity for your home. Even if you live in a small house, you can install a solar panel.

Most of today’s homes are not properly oriented to get a lot of sunlight and this becomes a great problem. New solar power systems are more efficient and can generate quality electricity with less sunlight. The modern solar panels are installed at steeper angles but can still tolerate sunlight. So, if you’re home doesn’t have an ideal orientation, it would still be possible to generate solar power.

Solar panels are usually installed on top of the roof together with an effective rail system. The panels are able to slide at the best position to get sunlight. The system is also ideal just in case you want to expand later on.

Before you install solar panels, you need to determine the electricity requirements of your home. To calculate your monthly electrical consumption, you will need to go over your electrical bills and determine the average usage. After that, you can now pick the right system size. If this is your first time to use solar power, it would better to start with the simplest project you can find. Make room for expansion as well so that you can expand the system little by little especially if you have limited resources. Even if you use solar power as an alternative, you will surely be able to cut your bills by 80% in the coming months.

For instance, for simple projects, you can start working on outdoor lights, garden fountains, etc. Later on, you can use solar power for your indoor electrical requirements. When installing a solar power system, one of the most important considerations is the inverter. Make sure that the inverter’s size is properly chosen; you see, this will be responsible for converting DC into AC. Pick the appropriate size inverter so that you can meet all your electrical needs. It’s a good idea to purchase a bigger inverter even if you’re only planning to install a smaller system. That way, when you finally decide to expand in the future, you will just wire them in.

If you’re not an electrician and you have limited knowledge about electricity and electrical components, try to hire someone to connect the inverter. The solar power system needs to be connected into your home’s electrical system. Dangerous voltages are present and you might het electrocuted. Only an electrician can comply with the local codes so that your project can pass the inspection. The state and federal government also provides incentives for homeowners who decide to go for solar power. You can avail of loans or grants so that you can install the solar power system soon. Take advantage of these special programs so that you can start benefiting from an efficient and clean electrical system.

Are you looking to build your own system? It can be a very rewarding project. Take the time to gather information and buy the best DIY Guide To Build Home Solar Panel

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Living Off The Grid - The Benefits

Our world is facing an energy crisis. With the fast-depleting supply of fossil fuels and the ever increasing demands for power from industrialization and human living, it is imperative to start relying on renewable energy sources. Living off the grid is perhaps the first step towards doing our part in saving the environment. It not only will help cut down our reliance on the conventional energy sources, it will also help us reduce electric bills as well as protect our environment from further damage.

What are the advantages of living off the grid?

1. We reduce our dependence on depleting fossil fuels

By living off the grid, you rely on nature to supply the energy needed for your daily living. It means that you are not depending on the power companies and hence will not be subjected to any price movements. How does it feel to be able to finally stop being affected by oil and gas prices?

2. We can save on electric bills

With no power companies coming after us monthly, we can save those hundreds of dollars and spend them elsewhere. Yes, you not only will be able to save by generating your own power, you also never have to worry again that it will run out. The sun and wind are always there for you to tap on for solar and wind power.

3. No more power outages

Are you sick of those blackouts that always take place at the most welcome moments? When you are halfway through typing a document and your PC suddenly dies on you because of an outage? Or missing your sports TV? If you live off the grid, this will never be a problem to you.

4. Protecting the environment

How about doing your part in preserving this environment we live in? By relying on solar, wind power and magnet energy generator, we effectively make use of green energy which is totally renewable. This is so unlike drawing our electricity from fossil fuels which are not only non-renewable but pollute our environment. Think about the legacy you are leaving behind for your descendants and many generations later. Isn't it good to be part of it?

Living off the grid definitely has its beauties and benefits. If you can, why not give it a try?

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Cheap Electricity Through magnetic generator

As needs of the time are changing therefore, it had become very important to find new ways and sources for generating energy. In order to have a serious progress in your daily life, you must discover new ways of cheaper energy generation. Producing cheaper energy is very important and essential requirement of our life because the cost of energy is continuously increasing all over the world.

When a person is out in the field to search for the cheapest ways of generating electricity, he ultimately finds out that magnetic generator is one of the cheapest techniques in use these days.

Cheap electricity through generator is a dream that has come true. Electricity that is generated through magnetic generator is very cheap than any other alternatives. If we talk about wind or solar energy we need huge initial investment and large space for their installation. These alternatives are based on climatic conditions but a magnetic generator is free from all such hinders and it always gives best performance.

We all know that the magnets posses a special characteristic of polarity as a result of which they work uninterruptedly. This continuous motion compels the internal turbine to move and produce electricity.

Magnetic generator users do not pay high amount of electric bills, which usually eat a major chunk of hard earned income common people. Magnetic generator does not wait for wind, solar light or any other environmental effect for its processing. Magnetic generator would definitely reduce your electricity bill up to 40 percent to 50 percent and sometimes even up to 80 percent. These reductions in the bills make one feel relaxed and comfortable. You need not to wait for electricity Supply Company to fix your problem. Now you can generate your own electric current using magnetic generator. These generators are also environment friendly. They do not produce any toxic fumes during their functioning. They do not produce loud sounds. You can place it at any convenient part of your home. They are easy to use and have almost no bad effects. This is one of the cheapest ways of producing energy.

Are you looking to build your own system? Click Here. It can be a very rewarding project. Take the time to gather information and buy the best DIY Guide To Build Home Wind, Solar Panels or Magnet Power Generator.

Benefits of Magnetic Generator

These days electrical energy prices are touching the sky limits. With each passing day, we are feeling more uncomfortable because these raising energy prices have adverse effect on our monthly home budget. Every month we have to spend the major chuck of our hard earned income in this respect. The cheaper energy resources are cheaper in production but they cannot be installed in our homes, only the government has an ability to utilize them. In this situation, one may think about generating his own electricity because necessity is the mother of invention.

If this is the case, then we will tell you in next few lines about how a magnetic electricity generator works? How is it helpful in reducing your monthly electricity bill or expenses and how it produces cheaper electricity than any other generator available in the local or international market? A magnetic generator is the best alternative energy resource which you can avail easily in your homes. A magnetic electricity generator uses its powerful magnets for generating cheap electricity. Magnets have a very special property of polarity due to which it exerts enormous force. This force in return helps to turn heavy shaft of turbine for generation of electricity. It has a very special characteristic which is its ability of producing the current in Alternate Current format. It also has batteries for power storage for future consumption which works when the magnetic generator is not working or in other words when it is not running. This magnetic electricity generator produces more energy than it takes. The magnetic generator is the best alternative of wind or solar power energy as it is not only cheaper in production but also cheaper in its maintenance.

This magnetic electricity generator saves you from the clutches of electricity companies and saves your hard earned income. In some countries, where power resources are depleting, this is the best alternative to produce cheaper electricity on large scale. Even people can easily avail this facility by running a magnetic electricity generator in their homes. Once you use it you will enjoy its benefits throughout your life time and it will save you from paying the high electricity bills as well.
Are you looking to build your own system? Click Here. It can be a very rewarding project. Take the time to gather information and buy the best DIY Guide To Build Home Wind or Magnet Power Generator.